About Us

Call us crazy, but at CAPITALTEK we believe that IT should just work… end of story. We know how important technology is to your business – it makes it possible to serve your customers on a daily basis. Because of that we want to make sure that your IT is always running efficiently and cooperating with you. We want to make sure that you have all IT services for your business provided from a single provider – from domain name to computer

Since 2008, CapitalTek has been helping a Small Business in Ottawa (1-20 users) with their IT needs.  We’ve been highly successful in reducing lost time and resources formerly caused by IT glitches. Think of us as your personal IT superheroes—always watchful. On the go with updates and upgrades, maintenance and tune-ups; ready to spring into action at the first sign of trouble so as to reduce downtime, interruptions and worry. We won’t let any IT malfunction stand in the way of your business success.

Why Choose Us

We’re fast, friendly and cost-effective

Our clients soon come to know and expect that we’re approachable, ready, and a true part of a customer’s enterprise. We render IT available, transparent and fully applied.

We treat privacy and security as paramount

In this age of cyber-threats, we’ll be your strongest defender. Armed with state-of-the-art knowledge of today’s IT systems and solutions, our expertise becomes your shield, protecting your commercial privacy and data security—around the clock!

We offer one-stop solution

Proficient and cost-effective IT support has always required a package of services that support each other. This includes hardware, software, protection, maintenance, troubleshooting, advice, planning, and service coordination. CapitalTek delivers all this.

We reflect your changing needs in our service

CapitalTek prides itself in listening to and acting upon the specific needs of your business. We work with you to find, customize, and manage the best technologies so they can work for you, not the other way around.

We’re up-to-date

CapitalTek keeps ahead of fast-moving IT changes regarding options, requirements, hardware, software and protection. We’ll inform you of options that are prudent and profitable. We also listen for and ask about changes to your business requirements that impact your IT needs and wants. With our help, you’ll be fully applying the benefits of the latest technologies, worry-free.

We speak ‘human’

We find out where you’re ‘at’ regarding knowledge, awareness and use of IT. With CapitalTek as your guide, you’ll never get lost, not even in the jargon. As we fold in our expertise and service, we pace you and your team. We make sure you know what’s going on, while letting you leave the details to us. In no time, we’ll be far more than a service provider; to our clients, we’re a true ally.